For someone
who likes to be right, being wrong really sucks. Worse still is behaving as you
don’t WANT to behave – watching yourself while your mind says, what the hell
are you thinking?? – but of course you aren’t thinking at all. You’re just –
behaving. Hardest of all not to shudder at this lack of control. But perhaps
instead of fighting against these spastic moments, it would be easier to “throw
down the reins” and just go with the flow.
Ha. Go with
the flow is not something I really know how to do – so I watch myself be grumpy,
or irritable, or just flat out bitchy, and writhe inside because I KNOW it’s
the wrong thing to do, but still more or less helpless to stop myself… and the
talking/ thinking/ reflecting/ understanding comes later, after the damage is
done, and I can retreat back to my cerebral haven with a sigh of relief.
It would be
SO much simpler if instead of these interludes of “Badly Behaved Sister/ Daughter/ Best
Friend/ Girlfriend” and subsequent light-bulb moments, my emotions could send a
telegram to my frontal cortex about what is churning down in my limbic system. “Emotions
roiled. Passive Aggressive Bitchiness lurking. Proceed with
caution. Temporary isolation recommended.” So very much simpler!
It doesn’t
always show, but I DO strive to be a better person than I have been or than I
am. This is complicated, of course, as it is for most humanoids, by my many accumulated
complexes and over-sensitivities, most of which can be traced right back to my
parents (Sorry, mom and dad, but let’s face it – Freud was right. It’s all your
fault!). I have a lurking fear that I am an emasculating ball-buster. I am terrified of showing
emotional weakness. When I think someone I
love may be angry at me, I become almost simpering in my need for reassurance
and emotional security. I could go on and on, but I won’t (and not
only because my parents are probably reading this!).
The point
is, we all have our hang-ups, right? Now if only they wouldn’t get in the way
quite so eagerly, and if only the advice of caring friends didn’t seem so
insipid at the moment of truth – it just isn’t that easy to breathe and take a
step back and re-evaluate with a clear head. Inner Defense Mechanism shouts: "This shit is about to blow up in
your face! Iceberg ahead! Run!" (severely mixing its metaphors). And
apparently, the best way to climb into a rowboat and haul ass away from the impending
wreckage is to be a bitch.
Wouldn’t it be nice if every time I felt threatened I suddenly wanted to bake
cookies? That would be a reaction everyone around me would be happy to
But, let’s
be honest – the empirical evidence states that I have been known to date “men”
who suck. So, experientially, it really makes
complete sense that when a new relationship faces “rough weather at sea” (Hey,
I know it's cheesy but I've decided to like this metaphor and I’m gonna go with it), I assume the worst and prepare
to bail.
But I don’t
want to be that kind of person, or maybe I’m just too stubborn or too terrified
to admit the facts to myself, so I pretend that I’m imagining the signs or that
I’m being a hypochondriac and usually just when I get myself breathing normally
again, the break-up hits (“love is like a balloon. It pops when a break-up
hits. BAM! That is the end to that balloon, and to that relationship.” – this poem
was really and truly written by a 7th grader. Don't be deceived by the simplicity. It's a very wise poem!)
So can
anyone, in all fairness, blame me for being a wreck at the slightest signs of
turbulence? Especially when it is so very easy for fear and awkwardness to
combine to make the let’s-be-honest-about-how-we-really-feel conversation seem
like you’re both high and paranoid-as-fuck and terrified to say what you really
mean but determined to bring things to a conclusion and not leave things
hanging. Maybe in those cases the best thing to do is not speak at all but just
get naked and see if you can work things out that way. If, in the sweet
aftermath, you still feel distant and scared, then you can imagine the
conversation would have been pretty freaking awful. If, on the other hand, you
feel warm and reassured, then it’s better you skipped the conversation in the
first place, right?
But all
that is assuming that you are aware enough of your emotions to know whether to
have or skip the conversation in the first place. If all you have to go on is
lingering irritability… you see how the telegram could really be useful!? “Dear
brain. Shut the fuck up. Signed, the rest of you.”
Here are the lyrics of the song "Cable a Tierra" by Fito Paez, from whom I stole the title of this post:
Si estás entre volver y no volver
si ya metiste demasiado en tu nariz
si estás como cegado de poder
tira tu cable a tierra.
Y si tu corazón ya no da más
si ya no existe conexión con los demás
si estás igual que un barco en altamar
tira tu cable a tierra.
Y yo estoy acercándome hasta vos
bajo la luna, bajo la luna.
Las cosas son asi,
tengo el teléfono del freak
que está deseoso de volarte la cabeza.
En un par de minutos sale el sol
si ya no hay nada que anestesie tu dolor
si no llegas, si no alcanzas a verme
tira tu cable a tierra.
No creas que perdió sentido todo
no dificultes la llegada del amor;
no hables de más, escucha al corazón
ese es el cable a tierra.
Y yo estoy acercandome hasta vos
bajo la luna, bajo la luna.
Las cosas son asi,
tengo el teléfono del freak
que está deseoso de volarte la cabeza.
Si estás entre volver y no volver
si ya metiste demasiado en tu nariz
si estás como cegado de poder
tira tu cable a tierra.
Here are the lyrics of the song "Cable a Tierra" by Fito Paez, from whom I stole the title of this post:
Si estás entre volver y no volver
si ya metiste demasiado en tu nariz
si estás como cegado de poder
tira tu cable a tierra.
Y si tu corazón ya no da más
si ya no existe conexión con los demás
si estás igual que un barco en altamar
tira tu cable a tierra.
Y yo estoy acercándome hasta vos
bajo la luna, bajo la luna.
Las cosas son asi,
tengo el teléfono del freak
que está deseoso de volarte la cabeza.
En un par de minutos sale el sol
si ya no hay nada que anestesie tu dolor
si no llegas, si no alcanzas a verme
tira tu cable a tierra.
No creas que perdió sentido todo
no dificultes la llegada del amor;
no hables de más, escucha al corazón
ese es el cable a tierra.
Y yo estoy acercandome hasta vos
bajo la luna, bajo la luna.
Las cosas son asi,
tengo el teléfono del freak
que está deseoso de volarte la cabeza.
Si estás entre volver y no volver
si ya metiste demasiado en tu nariz
si estás como cegado de poder
tira tu cable a tierra.
Oh, don't forget you're a bad cousin still haven't got back to me about France!
ReplyDeleteTime for a new post lizzy... i need news..!