To laugh often and love much; to win the respect of intelligent persons and the affection of children... to find the best in others; to give of one's self; to leave the world a bit better; to have played and laughed with enthusiasm and sung with exultation; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived - this is to have succeeded. Ralph Waldo Emerson

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Moving day is Today! Yay!

Why does the demand for a title always come first? I'll let you know the title of this entry when I'm good and ready!!

Ok, so I try not to let my mom bully me into doing things too often (heck, sometimes I don't do things just to spite aforementioned bullying -- childish, I know), but she IS right that it's been a while and I should recommence communication. Even if she may be the only one who actually cares that it's been a while!

My left wrist is hurting, however, and since I'm trying to save myself for Power Yoga tomorrow, at which, because of all the Downward Dog they make you do (I know, I know, I smirked too), you're slightly fucked if your wrist isn't up to snuff. So, long, sexual-pun-filled story short, I won't be typing too much today. Sorry, mom!

By the way, just to reassure my eager readers on that front, there has been no front. Nada, zip, zilch.

I've been hard at work and Monday I finally get my just desserts! Yes, it is easier to be left alone and in charge of vulnerable children in the UK than to open a bank account so you can get paid for it! But I finally did it, with the help of a kind associate named Jennifer. Thank you, Jennifer!

My birthday was quiet, but profoundly content. I woke up with a buzzing in my toes and in my head that said, "Today is the first day of the last year you will ever be in your twenties." While this is a slightly terrifying thought, it wasn't a bad one. I had a conviction that I had to make it count, somehow. I also kept remembering the birthday three years ago when Max accidentally bought me the candle numbers 2 and 7 for my birthday, when I was so outraged he could think I was so old. I almost want to email him to apologize -- but not that much!

Recently, I reread Little Women (I was choosing books from the classroom library in my room, ok?). The memories came flooding back. Even though it doesn't happen in this book, but in one of the sequels, I spent the whole time hating 11 year old Amy because one day she was going to marry Laurie. I don't care if Jo turned him down! They were MEANT to be together! Just another indicator of how stupid love is. Even in books for fifth grade girls.

On a positive note, my principal agreed to spend the equivalent of $500 on ordering Hi-Lo books for my classroom. All I had to do was be a ballsy, impertinent freak and ask for them on my 8th day on the job! But any points I may have scored on that front were then countered by her catching me making a cup of tea during the first two minutes of my break duty. And, stupidly, rather than answering her comment of "Elizabeth, I think you're on break duty now" with "Oh, my goodness, am I??" I said "Oh, I know, I'll be there in a sec." DOH!

Ah, well, we can't bat a hundred all the time. I used to think that phrase referred to baseball, but now I'm fairly sure it must be cricket.

Oh my, almost forgot my most important bit of news! I'm going to be a real, live, honest to goodness American citizen in less than a week! Yes, folks, Uncle Sam is accepting me as one of the fold! My vote could be the definitive one in the next election when Obama miraculously wins again (lalalalalala I'm not listening to any haters out there).

Much love and miss you. Miss you doesn't capture the longing in my... heart? gut? well, somewhere intestinal to see my favorite people with a cold delicious glass of IPA (which for some freakish reason they don't drink here!!) and a game of scrabble. or settlers. or taboo!

Oh, wait, the REALLY important news is that I'm moving today! No more four hours a day of commuting to and fro! The pair I'll be sharing with seem really nice although you'll have to wait for a later entry to find out more, since that's all I know. Yes, mom, you're right, they could be drug dealers, but I still maintain they wouldn't tell me if I asked them, anyway!

1 comment:

  1. yay to new homes, b days and citizenship!
    love u elizabeth!


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